Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Art of Water War

I have never been stung by a bee. I intend to keep it that way. Its seems improbable, I know, considering my last blog, and where I live. But I have faith and a prayer. Prayer has worked before, such as when I worked for  a medical records office and I prayed that I would not get a paper cut, I walked away 4 months later without one!
Fast forward to today. My boss and his family are away at a family funeral leaving the ranch in my capable hands. So after checking on our 3 week international group I decided to FINALLY try out the ranch pool.
As a child, swimming and summer were synonymous, we went to a rural community pool every day for hours. Then, my family moved into a house that happened to have a pool, and my parents had a “you swim/you clean it’ rule.” In the logical mind of Miriam all that additional work=not worth it, as it turned out it ended up being “clean it anyway;” but that is another story. Even growing into an adult the promise of green hair, sunburn possibility and bloodshot eyes typically outweigh any imagined fun so pool swimming gets pushed aside.    
I needed some adventure today so I dug out my thrice used swimsuit from my Hawaii bag; blew up pool float and grabbed a magazine, and one of my current reads, The Art of War. Little did I know that it would be just so.

Taken just before the fateful swim.
I drive down to the pool, spying things that didn’t get done properly all the way there. But, I have to turn off the work, it’s after 8 after all and I’m going swimming!  I get my towel arranged carefully where the least amount of bugs have opportunity to hide in its folds and dip my toe in. It’s warmer than expected and I laughed as my worries about entering an arctic swimming hole float away.
I launch the mesh float and hop on deciding to start with some easy reading, the “evangel” magazine given to me during one of my church visits this morning.
Paragraph 3, zwishzzzzz. Incoming flying bug. I swat towards the perceived fly with my magazine. Before I could even find my place again , zzzzwishzzzzzzzzzzzz, zzzzzzzzwishzzzzzzzz.  Red Alert, this is NOT a fly, this is not a drill, this is a bee. 
I swat towards the sound and it dissipates. I settle in again, find my place, and continue reading. Crisis averted. 

Paragraph 4.5 the bee LANDS on my hand. Needless to say the magazine was sacrificed to the water logged cause of no stings. From beneath the surface of the water I made a quick decision, swim away! I figured the meandering bee would move on with me on the opposite end of the pool wielding a soggy magazine in my arsenal. False, he came back with a little friend. Apparently my hair smelled like sweet nectar.  
A ten minute battle ensued which entailed me coming up for air under my mesh float, the bees attacking the float, seconds passing without movement,  me believing the coast to be clear and making a break for my towel then a renewed attack on all sides from Bee 1 and Bee 2, then the vicious cycle beginning again. 

Finally, I flipped my float and smashed one into the water. Outsmarted and perhaps fearing for its life the other bee fled.  Just in time for me to get a call about a frozen air conditioner. Swim time over.
I will probably finish The Art Of War before I choose to go swimming again.

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Wilderness

Miriam does... The Wilderness!

This is nothing new for those who know me. I have taken a job as a wedding planner in the middle of nowhere Texas, more adjacent to Oklahoma then I would care to admit.

July 16th will be One Year at my not- so- new- now job. When I first began here at the Ranch it was the middle of summer and smack dab in a very painful drought. Diving face first into an agriculturally grounded town was a true eye-opener.

Then, in November when I took up residence at said ranch I was in a honeymoon stage. The weather was fairly cool, the dust wasn't bad, and the bug's I kept hearing about were nowhere to be seen...maybe one here or there.

The honeymoon is OVER! Ha! My ranch hand, Josh delighted in showing me the full grown tarantula that he partially smashed right on my porch. It's still there, no way I am moving it! GROSS! check out the horrible camera phone picture:

The tree frogs make a racket in the evenings, sometimes so loud that I believe a woman to be dying. Then the snakes, I have only seen 1 live one with my own eyes, but my ranch guests continue to alert me to their presence. When you take a short jaunt to the cafe you face a barrage of flying grasshoppers the size of sparrows. You can't walk anywhere without a constant rustle afoot. With my imagination the horror movie music ramps up just in time for me to walk into a spider web.

Why the sudden abundance of wildlife? Turns out the tame winter we experienced and the torrential rain that I so heartily prayed to God for has encouraged the little buggers to be fruitful and multiply unlike any season ever before.

Yes, in a way I prayed for these bugs, ironic eh? Plus I am in their wilderness, not the other way around.

This got me thinking, I am not the first Miriam to be led out to the wilderness.
You can read the story here: Numbers 12:1-15

Apparently the wilderness can take a massive toll on your attitude. Thank you original Miriam for this lesson. Perhaps I should just continue to squelch the tarantulas and run over the skunks, and focus on doing what God has called me to do in the wilderness.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

A New Blog

Miriam Does.... A New Blog

I have a blog already.

Some of you may have read it. It's called "The church fairy" I delve into my experiences visiting different  churches. It's very specific. Lately I have been thinking I need another outlet outside of my other blog's parameters. Alas, a new blog.

I'm often shocked when signing up for these things what names are already taken. Such as
"Miriam the Great"- Taken.
"The Life and Times of Miriam"- Taken?!?
Miriam!- Taken!

This leads to a long drawn out stalking of these people, googling whoever this strange Miriam-person is who would have thought of these things? Invariably I land at who is a florist in the UK. Then I think about my fledgling floral career which I abandoned for wedding planning. 

After the massive rabbit trail was explored, I realized that I wanted something that indicates action since I seem to be ever in motion, but still opened ended enough to be able to mold into my mood.

Miriam does... it is!

So follow along in my escapades.